Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

National History

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was organized on November 12, 1922, in Indianapolis, Indiana, by seven young educators: Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Vivian White Marbury, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Bessie Mae Downey Rhoades Martin and Cubena McClure. The group became an incorporated national collegiate sorority on December 30, 1929, when a charter was granted to Alpha chapter at Butler University.
Soaring To Greater Heights Of Attainment Around The World, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., as a leading national service organization, has met the challenges of the day and continues to grow through Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service.
Iota Sigma Sigma
The Iota Sigma Sigma chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was chartered on Friday, October 8, 2004 by Sorors Traci Renee Roberts, Sharon Smith, Katherine Wilder, Marqueeta F. Smith (deceased), Vashawna Embry. The charter members selected St. Bernard Ohio as the home of the chapter, under the guidance of Past Regional Syntaktes TiJuana Ingram.
The chapter's most successful and regularly performed national projects include the Youth Symposium, Operation Big Book Bag Project and Project Reassurance. ISS performs community service and partners with several local organizations including St. Monica’s Recreational Center, Lincoln Heights Outreach-Inc, Matthew 25 Ministries, Momma Bears Closet, Cincinnati Public Schools, and Children's Hospital of Cincinnati.